Ray Corbin Moore - CBC 029039

Corbin started his career in construction by building 1 ton sailing boats - SORC rated boats.  He continued on this path by building custom wood boats when he worked with George Luzier perfecting his wood crafting talents.  He then worked with Ardaman and Associates - soil engineers.  This led him to start his building company in 1984, he has not looked back since.

Corbin creates unique pieces of furniture in his spare time.

Call Corbin

Magida Diouri - CBC 1259905

Magida was born in the film industry with a foot firmly planted in construction, her grandfather was a renown Moroccan mosaic artist and her father was a builder of movie theaters.  She has worked with R. C. Moore, L.L.C for the past 5 years until she took the plunge and became a contractor herself.

Call Magida